OTITIS MEDIA - forex2019


الاثنين، 21 مايو 2018



نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪OTITIS MEDIA‬‏ 

A. Bacterial or viral infection of the middle ear commonly occurring in young children

B. Risk factors
1. Occurs more frequently in young children because the eustachian tube is shorter, wider, and straighter
2. Infants who are positioned primarily in the supine position
3. Infants who go to sleep with milk or juice in their mouths
4. Infants and children who are immunocompromised

C. Assessment findings
1. Fever often, but not always, present
2. Increased irritability
3. Pulling, tugging, or rubbing the ear
4. URI
5. Vomiting and diarrhea often, but not always, present
6. Bulging of tympanic membrane

D. Nursing Diagnoses Related to Otitis Media
• Acute pain
• Risk for deficient fluid volume

E. Interventions
1. Antibiotics; instruct parents to give all of antibiotic
2. Decongestants to relieve eustachian tube obstruction
3. Analgesics (acetaminophen)
4. Myringotomy with insertion of pressure equalizing (PE) tubes
a. Nursing Diagnoses Related to Myringotomy with Pressure Equalizing
(PE) Tube Insertion
• Risk for injury
• Risk for deficient fluid volume
• Acute pain
• Deficient knowledge
b. Interventions
Use ear plugs if showering or washing child’s hair; no diving

F.Complications of otitis media:
(1) Mastoiditis
(2) Meningitis
(3) Hearing loss

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