LARYNGOTRACHEOBRONCHITIS (CROUP) ( Definition, Assessment findings ,Nursing Diagnoses Related to Croup and nursing Interventions ) - forex2019


الاثنين، 21 مايو 2018

LARYNGOTRACHEOBRONCHITIS (CROUP) ( Definition, Assessment findings ,Nursing Diagnoses Related to Croup and nursing Interventions )


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A. Viral infection that usually starts as URI and proceeds to lower respiratory tract; primarily affects children from 1 to 3 years of age

B. Assessment findings
1. URI
2. Hoarseness
3. Brassy cough
4. Inspiratory stridor
5. Low-grade fever
6. Increasing distress
7. WBC count normal

C. Nursing Diagnoses Related to Croup
• Ineffective airway clearance
• Risk for deficient fluid volume
• Anxiety
• Deficient knowledge
D. Interventions
1. Keep airway clear.
a. Oral or nasotracheal intubation for moderate hypoxia
b. Oxygen at low concentration to relieve mild hypoxia
2. Nothing by mouth (NPO)
3. IV fluids
4. Mist tent with oxygen
5. Care of child in a croup tent:
a. Croup tent contains humidity and oxygen.
b. Toys should be objects that will not create static electricity or sparks.
(1) Avoid wool, synthetics, and things with metal and moving parts.
(2) Toys made of cotton are appropriate.
c. Change the child’s clothing when it becomes wet.
d. If child is removed from croup tent for feeding, flood the tent with oxygen before
returning the child to the tent.
6. Antibiotics only if secondary bacterial infection present
7. Child may vomit large amounts of mucus; reassure parents that this is normal.
8. Keep child calm.
9. Teach family how to care for child if croup recurs; close bathroom door and run shower to create high-humidity environment.

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